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Hanover Primary School

Design & Technology

Click here for Design and Technology Curriculum Overview

Design and Technology is a creative, imaginative and practical subject. 



DT is an important part of our balanced curriculum, providing opportunities for pupils to develop and use their creativity, imagination, and a range of practical skills. Pupils design, make and evaluate products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. In Design and Technology, children learn essential skills across four disciplines: textiles, food, mechanical and electrical systems, and structures. Additionally, the cross-curricular links are strong as the pupils draw on skills learnt in mathematics, science, computing and art. Having an understanding of nutrition and basic cookery skills is a key element of DT.




Children are expected to learn these skills progressively and more challenging as they move through the school. The DT skills progression map explains this in more detail.  

All children including those who have SEND or are disadvantaged fully access the DT curriculum. This may include additional adult support or use of visuals or adapted tools. Structured sentence stems and taught vocabulary scaffolds children in discussion.

Our Early Years classrooms provide pupils with access to a range of making activities and materials, including junk modelling, clay, sewing, woodwork and the opportunity to prepare and cook food as part of the day-to-day provision. 


The impact of our curriculum will allow children to leave Hanover with a foundational understanding of how and why products are created. They will have been encouraged to imagine and design solutions to real-world problems. They will have learnt how to take risks, be creative and resourceful, and to understand the impact that design and technology have on our lives. 

Below: Y5 Anglo-Saxon money purses (textiles), Y4 Buzzer games (electrical systems)