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Hanover Primary School


Places are offered in line with Islington Council’s determined admissions arrangements for community schools.

Nursery Admissions

We appoint places in the Nursery based upon Islington’s guidelines and application process. You can read and download this guidance by here. Once you have read this information, applications are made through the school on a rolling basis, so please contact the office for an application form.

We offer nursery places to children from their third birthday. We do not have provision to offer places to two-year olds at present. 

Islington provide free school meals to all maintained nursery and primary school pupils.  If your child receives a place at Hanover nursery; please ensure you register your child for free school meals on the portal.  All siblings need to be registered separately.  Further information on how to register on the portal can be found here.

NB: A place in the nursery does not guarantee a place in the school as this has a different admission policy.

Reception or Years 1-6 Admissions - September start

For children starting in Reception or years 1-6, Please click here to find out how admission works.  Admission for these year groups is managed by Islington, and parents and carers should apply through the council. We are happy to speak to prospective parents and carers about the process, and welcome visits through our open mornings. Please contact the office for more information.

Islington provide free school meals to all maintained nursery and primary school pupils.  If your child receives a place at Hanover; please ensure you register your child for free school meals on the portal.  All siblings need to be registered separately.  Further information on how to register on the portal can be found here.

Key Dates - September 2025 entry

You can apply from 1 September 2024, and you must apply by the deadline, 15 January 2025. We recommend you apply by 8 January 2025, just in case there are any problems with getting online or logging into the site.

  • 15 January 2025: this is your deadline to submit your online application and social medical application
  • 16 April 2025: you’ll get an offer by email in the evening
  • 30 April 2025: this is your deadline to accept (or turn down) your school place
  • 22 May 2025: you must send in any appeals by this date. You can appeal even if you’ve accepted the school place offered.

Apply for a school place in-year

You need to use an Islington in-year admission online form to apply for a school place when you:

  • are new to the local area and need a school place – we welcome children and families from all boroughs
  • want a change of school
  • need to apply for a reception place but you moved to Islington after the closing date

You can apply at any time.
