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Hanover Primary School

At Hanover Primary School, we take online safety extremely seriously. We believe that it is the right of all children to feel safe and secure when using technology.

We teach children to use the internet and other technologies safely, and we show them how to behave in an appropriate manner. To do this, we use resources from Project Evolve. You can see our curriculum map here

Managing technology safely at home can be a challenge. We are always happy to support families with this -please contact us if you would like to arrange a meeting. You may also find the following websites useful in considering online safety at home:

Common Sense Media helps parents make informed choices about age-appropriate apps, games, films and other media. 

The London Grid for Learning's ParentSafe site offers great advice on parenting in the digital age.

Vodaphone's Expert Advice offers some really helpful tips on parental controls, establishing healthy online habits, and how to talk with your children about technology.


See our Computing page for more information on our online safety curriculum.