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Hanover Primary School

Ways to donate

At Hanover we have a strong community, lead by our Parent/Teacher association: Friends of Hanover  which supports us in many ways.  Friends of Hanover is regulated by the Charities Commission and handles all monetary donations to Hanover Primary School.  We appreciate and rely on their support to help fund essential resources for the school as well as exciting new projects

Please see below a number of ways you can support the school through Friends of Hanover.  Have your own idea of how you can help? Email Us

30k for £30k 

The staff at Hanover Primary School in Angel is on a mission to raise money for our playgrounds.

At Hanover, we know playtimes are as important as lessons for children’s holistic development. The school has built a curriculum and an approach in which outdoor learning and play are a core component. Our playtimes are much loved—but the playgrounds have seen better days.

Our dedicated staff team is trying to raise enough money to make a genuine difference to the pupils’ experience of playtimes.

The key targets are to replace and improve an important area in our lower school playground, including repairing the broken monkey bars and rebuilding and planting a new garden area.  We’ll also use the money raised to replenish the sports equipment on the upstairs playground including new basketball hoops and desperately needed vegetation and tree planters.  


30k for 30k update.pdf


Direct Debit

An easy and hassle free way to regularly donate.  Even a small £5/monthly donation could provide extra art supplies for classes.  Every little helps.  

Setup a direct debit

Easy Fundraising and Amazon Smile

Next time you shop online, you could be raising funds for Hanover instantly.  This is a simple, yet effective way that you can help raise money for Hanover! 

Sign up for Easy Fundraising

It only takes minutes and you only need to do that once as it’ll remember you next time.

  1. Start shopping at any of the 3000 retailers listed (these include Amazon, John Lewis, M&S, Tesco, Sainsbury, Argos, Debenhams, B&Q and lots more…)
  2. The retailer will donate a percentage of your spend to the school. You pay exactly the same price as if you visited the retailer’s website directly!
  3. Help us reach our target of £1000. Every little helps.  Spread the word to friends and family too

set up its own charity website called Amazon Smile. It works in the same way, though as before we’re called the Hanover School Association.

Sign up for Amazon Smile

CSR match funding

Many employers offer matching gift programmes where workers’ donations to charities are matched by the company.  We encourage you to check details with your CSR department and get in touch if you'd like to help. 

Current Grant applications

Grow Back GreenerFriends of Hanover have made an application to the Mayor of London Grow Back Greener Fund to improve and transform the rooftop playground.  We hope to hear back on our application by the end of November.  Check this space for updates.

Help Us ApplyWe're always on the lookout for new funding opportunties.   Let us know if you'd like to help.