Our Governors
As an Islington community school, Hanover has a volunteer Governing Body, comprised of parents, staff and community members, that works to ensure the school provides high quality education to pupils.
Governors (ID 1045)
Nick SharplesChair
Nick Sharples
Term of office: December 2019 - March 2028
First appointed: December 2019
Vice Chair of the Curriculum Committee and Maths Link Governor
Nick already has one child at Hanover and is looking forward to his youngest joining in September. He is a lecturer and researcher in mathematics at Middlesex University. Part of his role is to develop engaging outreach activities to help young people explore the power of mathematics to help us understand the World. -
Chris KenyonLocal authority appointed Governor
Chris Kenyon
Term of office: May 2019 - May 2027
Chair of the Governing Board.Chris is a local authority governor whose two children attended Hanover recently. He has a strong interest in ensuring every child flourishes and is set up for life-long learning. Chris leads an organisation that supports school leaders and provides technology to schools. -
Kerri BurtonParent Governor
Kerri Burton
Term of office: 25 Nov 2021 - 24 Nov 2025
First appointed: 25 Nov 2021
Vice-chair of the Safeguarding and Inclusion Committee. Kerri is a parent governor with one child at Hanover.
A playworker with an MA in Childhood and Youth, Kerri has worked at adventure playgrounds and disability organisations and is the co-director of a CIC providing free community play sessions.
Chris CarterCo-Opted Governor
Chris Carter
Term of office: December 2020 - November 2024
Member of the Resources Committee
Chris has two sons one of which is currently at Hanover. He is a Chartered Surveyor working for a fund investing in real estate. -
Anne HorlaitCo-Opted Governor
Anne Horlait
Term of office: 21 May 2020 - 20 May 2024
First appointed: 21 May 2020
Anne is the Lead Safeguarding Link and she sits on both the Safeguarding Committee and the Children, Families and Community Committee
Nicole ItanoParent Governor
Nicole Itano
Term of office: 25 Nov 2021 - 24 Nov 2025
Frist appointed 25 Nov 2021
Nicole Itano is a parent governor and has two children at Hanover school. She works in the non-profit sector and has a background in communications and campaigning.
Kieran McCulloughCo-opted Governor
Kieran McCullough
Term of office: December 2020 - November 2024
Chair of the Resources Committee
Kieran has three children attending the school. Formally an academic, he now works in finance. -
Rohini PahlAssociate Governor
Rohini Pahl
Term of office: November 2020 - November 2024
Chair of the Children, Families and Community Committee, Member of the Safeguarding Committee, Deputy Safeguarding Link Governor and Equalities Link Governor
Rohini is a parent governor with two children at the school. She has an interest in child development and wellbeing, working for a children's charity. Rohini promotes the charity's children's services and evidence about what works to help children and families. She is keen to make sure all children's voices are heard and represented, as well as those of their families. -
Joe RadmoreParent Governor
Joe Radmore
Term of office: November 2022 - November 2026
Joe Radmore is from Devon and has two children at Hanover. He has been active for many years in various community improvement projects. Professionally Joe is an entrepreneur and also works in the corporate world trading ships. His hobbies are modern history, music and anything to do with the ocean.
Mariana FinazziParent Governor
Mariana Finazzi
Josh LewisonParent Governor
Josh Lewison
Shane ColcloughStaff Governor
Shane Colclough
Chen ElimelechCo-opted Governor
Chen Elimelech
Term of Office July 2024 - July 2028First appointed July 2024Chen is a parent of one child at Hanover and is looking forward to her younger child joining the school’s nursery next September.Chen is passionate about children’s education and the development of enriching educational environments. Chen brings many years of experience in digital marketing, and operations.
Being a governor
What do governors do?
Governors are there to make sure the school is being run well and the teaching is of a high standard. Governors are responsible for major decisions about the school and its future.
While the headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day running of the school, the Governors:
- Help set the the school’s overall vision and strategic direction;
- Hold the school leadership team to account;
- Oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent.
Governors are answerable to parents and the local authority for the school’s performance. As well as supporting the school and staff, governors are expected to challenge or question the performance of the headteacher and school, when they consider this necessary.
Governors are also involved in dealing with complaints from parents. Parents are encouraged to approach their child’s teacher and/or the Head Teacher in the first instance. Governors only become involved when satisfactory resolution of the complaint with school staff has not been possible.
How are governors chosen?
There are four types of school governor at Hanover, each of which is selected through a different process:
- Parent governors, who are elected by other parents.
- Co-opted governors, who are appointed by the governing board and often have specific skills.
- Staff governors, who work in the school. At Hanover, we aim to have one teaching and one non-teaching staff member on the Governing Body, one elected by the staff and one selected by the Governing Body as a co-opted governor.
- Local Authority governors, who are appointed by the governing boards following a nomination from the local council.
All governors initially serve for a period of four years. At the end of the four years, they can stand for re-election or be re-appointed. Governors are free to resign before the end of their four year term if they so wish.
Whenever there is a vacancy for a parent governor, this is advertised in newsletters and posters, with details on the election process.
What does it take to be a governor?
Governors don’t need any special qualifications. They just need enthusiasm, commitment, and an interest in contributing to the school. They also need good inter-personal skills. Training is provided for governors, and experienced governors are expected to act as mentors to new governors when they first join.
To meet legal duties for safeguarding children, all governors have to undergo a DBS check.
How much time does it take to be a governor?
Governors spend about 6 hours a month on school matters during school terms. They attend a full governing body meeting once or twice a term, usually at 6.30 pm on a Thursday evening and lasting for about two hours.
Governors are also expected to sit on at least one of the smaller committees which look at specific areas of school life. These committees meet once a term, usually first thing in the morning.
Governors also spend time outside reading papers, visiting the school and attending training. If not chairing the Governing Body or a committee, governors are expected to develop their understanding of one specific area in more depth to act as a lead, or link, governor for that area
Governors are volunteers and don’t get paid. However, they can claim expenses for any costs that they reasonably incur in their role as Governor – such as the cost of paying a childminder so they can attend meetings.
Our Governance Structure and committees
Contact the School governors
The Chair of Governors can be emailed at COG@hanover.islington.sch.uk
The governors also have a Children, Families and Community Committee which can be contacted via the school office.
Declarations of interest
Click here to download declarations of interest from our governors.