Religious Education
The teaching staff at Hanover Primary School follow the agreed syllabus for Islington.
Click here for the Religious Education Curriculum overview
This includes study of the six major world religions: Christianity, Judaism Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism.
Parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE. Please contact your child's teacher if you would like to discuss this further.
Religious Education at Hanover is underpinned by the school’s overall aims, visions and values. It supports our desire to promote the moral, social and cultural development of the children in our care. Hanover is part of a wonderfully diverse community, and we recognise that, for many people, religion and belief form a crucial part of their culture and identity. We ensure that children are taught key knowledge of the world’s religions so that they are equipped to talk about beliefs in a respectful and sensitive way.
We follow the Islington SACRE (Standing Advisory Council for RE) agreed curriculum. This rich syllabus enables children to effectively learn about and from the principal religions in Great Britain. There is a balance in the teaching religious beliefs, the expression of those beliefs, and religious practices. The syllabus is enquiry-led, focusing on the exploration of big questions. Example questions include:
- What makes some places sacred? (KS1)
- What do different people believe about god? (Lower KS2)
- What do religions say to us when life gets hard? (Upper KS2)
RE lessons help children to find out what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live, so that they can make sense of religion, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living. All year groups have regular lessons, and teachers use a wide range of resources and materials to make their lessons engaging and meaningful to the children. Discussion and debate are key aspects of RE lessons. Children will visit a religious place of worship each year to deepen their understanding. Teachers are also encouraged to invite speakers into school to help children further develop their learning.
Religious Education in the EYFS
Children in the early years develop their understanding about religion through the Understanding the World strand of the EYFS – specifically the ‘people and communities’ aspect of that strand. Children learn about different cultures and different faiths. We talk about our families and our communities and we celebrate special events together. We invite family members into school to talk about the practices and traditions that are important to them. Children in the early years develop an understanding of diversity, tolerance and inclusion through actively participating in and celebrating the culture of their friends.